If you could only keep 5 record albums, what would they be?

I am looking at my collection this evening and trying to determine my favorites.  If I had to narrow it down to 5 it would be: Dan Fogelberg...The Netherlands; Roy Clark...Yesterday When I Was Young; James Taylor...Flag; Talking Heads...77; and last but not at all least, Commodores...Greatest Hits. All oldies but goodies that I still enjoy listening to as much as when I bought them many years ago.

Showing 1 response by rjsalvi

  • Beatles - White Album
  • Brubeck - Take Five
  • Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms
  • Steely Dan - A Decade of Steely Dan
  • Aerosmith - Toys In the Attic

But since I don’t do vinyl, I’m not limited to just five. ;-)