If there’s an audiophile exit ramp, this ain’t it…

Audiogon and the audio press, I mean. I finally have the system I was aiming for and had imagined for my future, as conjured from the cryptic pages of stereophile etc. — incredible transparency, scale, and ‘realness’ — but whenever I’m drawn to these sites/pages, as I have been for two years, I am confronted again with doubt and a vague longing for ‘perfection’ in a new purchase. I just want to enjoy the music.

Im ready for the audiophile exit ramp, and this ain’t it…

Showing 18 responses by redwoodaudio

@femoore12 and @oldhvy
I think the suggestions of solder / diy therapy is a fantastic idea.

I just don’t want to find myself obsessing over another system…
@arafiq Unfortunately, I’ve gone over budget and need to hang on to my money better.  This hobby and these forums/websites/dealers really stress my budgeting brain.  No debt, thankfully, but another big tempting upgrade and I’m going to miss the dough…

I don't see why we can't keep trying different (not necessarily better or worse) flavors of sound. The key is to set a budget and stick to it.

It’s the OCD that’s gotten me this far this fast.  I’ve been hustling audio daily for about 2 years now.
What would I make?  I’ve soldered exactly one time in the past 20 years…

For me, this would feed my obsessive nature… I must be more OCD about this than you.

The other is the desire to do stuff with audio. So...tweak, DIY, change things around -- have fun by doing stuff without feeding a consumeristic habit.

@celtic66 well said:

So much of marketing is creation of dissatisfaction with current status and then.....magically providing a consumption solution.

Thanks for making this a lively thread, all.  
@ghdprentice i don’t think a sterile or unengaging system is the problem… in fact, it’s where I want it to be in that regard.  It’s all the little power/server/cable upgrades that itch at me now, when I read about them here and elsewhere because I don’t have a million dollars to go ‘all the way’ and see just how ‘perfect’ my little system can sound.  Of course, reading about new $50,000 speakers in Absolute Sound gives me the doubts too, since I don’t know if they’re ‘way better’ compared to mine.  All that glowing prose and jaw dropping…
@tvad this sounds monastic and interesting, but too extreme for me now. Why did you end up doing this?

Step away from Audiogon. Reading audio forums and perusing listings increases the appetite to feed the Dragon. Go cold turkey. Six months minimum. I did it for 9 years.

@mglik i don’t even want to think about tweaks anymore, but I’ve been there and greatly benefited from some tweaks.  It just tskes my monkey brain down the rabbit hole…

Several recent tweaks greatly raised the SQ.

@artemus_5 I like this idea… somewhat more moderate and thoughtful approach.  I can relate to this.

My system sounds fantastic. Yet I know of a few more tweaks, etc that are I want to do. But I need to listen for a few months in order to get my bearings and see what is needed.

@tomic601 so true. Roon and the streaming services are manna from audio heaven. I want to just focus on the music and not the perfectionism.

So much unheard music in the world..

And I live in Northern California, but had help from GHA with my speaker choice and purchase (as well as other good advice).  I’m a big fan.
@heretobuy —

It's sort of like a heroin addiction if your habit was limited by your income and you could sell your old heroin

I think used heroin may be worth more than the gear I’m selling now 😭, sadly
@baylinor — got any ideas?

This discussion is in need of some serious psychological advice before anyone sinks any further into the deep end

Where is the audiophile guru returning from pilgrimage to India with the wisdom for us seekers?  
I’ve been reading Ram Dass and about how he managed to stay ‘high’ without drugs, so there’s a parallel there…
@kingbarbuda —

try to monetize several pieces into one really nice piece to lower my box count.

good strategy, I’ve done the same, although the purchase always precedes the selling :(  Do you still have the itch to tweak?
@4afsanakhan —thank you, it’s a refuge for sure, and sounding better than ever.  Now I just have to relax and enjoy it without raiding my savings even further or even fantasizing about how the latest $8k speaker cables will enhance it…
@ja kub sz—

I just bought the amp and speakers of my dreams, not to mention a new TT and cartridge

I'm sure this thread will make more sense to me in about 6 months.

Be prepared!

That the OP posts the question, he really does not want to find that exit ramp.

I'm definitely conflicted.  These forums and magazines/websites have been fun and useful, but now they're becoming the opposite.  Making me doubt the quality of my system and obsess about further tweaks/upgrades that I can't afford.

I think I will take a break from Audiogon for awhile.  I've already let my Absolute Sound subscription expire.  I have a 3 year subscription to Stereophile and will continue to see if it interests me in the coming months.  

I've let audiophilia consume so much of my brainspace, I'm nervous to see how often I reach for audio stuff as a reflex.  I'm anticipating some withdrawal effects.
@cd318 --

Unfortunately we seem to be infected by a virus for which there is no known cure.

I'm hoping taking a step back from the sites will help a bit, but we'll see.
@kennyc, @surfmuz, @raysmtb1 —yes, there is an addictive component in this hobby and I’m starting to realize I need to take a step back before I ruin it for myself.

the rushes came with the anticipation of new gear and a few times with marvelous improvements to my system that gear unleashed. I can’t afford to chase new rushes like that now, given where my new baseline is at. And I like where im at, which is cool.  But these forums serve the temptations up fast and steady.  Kudos to those of you who can keep a cool head about it.

It’s interesting that even in this thread created specifically to be NOT about gear options and upgrades, several posts have gone there anyway. Not judging anyone, just observing. And since some of my thoughts here are counter to the prevailing culture of this hobby, some negative reactions happening too. Overall positive, though, and that’s encouraging.

Thanks all.