If the DAC is the same, how different do CD transports sound?

One interesting topic of discussion here is how audible the differences are between CD players when they are used as transports only — or when they are only transports to begin with.

In other words, in a comparison which keeps the DAC the same, how much difference can be heard between CD transports?

This recent video by Harley Lovegrove of Pearl Acoustics provides one test of this question. It may not be the ultimate test, but he does describe the experimental conditions and informations about the qualifications of the listeners.

He comes to the main conclusion here: https://youtu.be/TAOLGsS27R0?t=1079

The whole video is worth watching, I think.


Showing 1 response by jtcf

I haven't watched the video yet but I will later on.Thanks for posting it. I used to have a Vincent (tubed) CDP which I was extremely happy with. It wasn't as resolving as my current equipment,but after some tube rolling I had no desire to ever upgrade. When it bit the dust it was replaced with a CXC and Tubadour, which being quite a bit more resolving and transparent sent me down the path of attempting to working harder on room acoustics,vibration control,etc. since the issues I had were now unmasked. I'm not sure if that was a good thing, lol.Once again I'm completely content with how the music sounds which is several steps above where it was a few years ago.Hopefully nothing breaks so I'm not tempted to upgrade and start the dominos tumbling again. I've considered trying a better/different transport but talked myself out of it several times.