If Rowland made PC cases.....

Actually I dont think I have ever seen a Rowland amp in the flesh, but I am told the casework is gorgeous.

Further to PC audio, can anyone recommend suppliers for cases and components in order to build a media center PC that would look at home in any ultra high end system?

Would you recommend a tower configuration? Or horizontal "home theatre PC" configuration?

Showing 3 responses by grindstaff

Anyone move on a case lately? I'm currently looking around.

I have the waveterminal and an outboard DAC. Worked well with just a regular pc (mac).

I'm thinking about Media Center OS (which comes with a remote), and a desktop-style pc with internal hd.

That is a great solution you've got.

It got me wondering about if I could use my Treo 650 phone and bluetooth as a remote, and I found this:
where someone is wondering the same thing, and software is suggested.

Update: the Treo solution doesn't seem to work well, I gathered from later posts.