If Money Were No Object... A Fantasy Question

Let's say you're filthy stinking rich and had $1,000,000+ to spend on an audio system. What would you do, assemble a single SOTA system or for the same amount of money put together multiple very high quality (and certainly not cheap) non-SOTA systems.

This fantasy is in the either/or format. Points will be deducted for thoses who answer "both".

Showing 1 response by pragmatist

--An acoustically correct room designed by a good architect.
--A Steinway grand.
--Van Alstine fet/valve amp,preamp,dac. Magnum Dynalab Tuner.Good disk transport. Maggie 20's.
--An extensive collection of classical and jazz software.

--balance,50% Benjamin Graham enterprising investor screen common stock portfolio.50% investment grade,intermediate term corporate bonds.