If money is not a problem

What speakers would you buy if you had unlimited funds?
unless the notion of near-limitless SPL's is the reason for the question, the answer for me is simple- the same speakers i already have. money is not the problem- it's the software- both variety and format- which is always changing, and not always for the better.
that for me is the limiting factor- after you've been in the hobby for awhile of course and have the opportunity to audition what you want, and then waiting and saving.
but for me, really good recordings by the most gifted artists of both classic as well as new music are the last pieces of the puzzle.
"Live is better than recorded any day ..."

True, but since money is no problem, I would install a recording studio to record the live sessions. Then I would use that recording to A/B .. C/D .. XYZ my Maggies, my MLs, and those funny looking sea-shell speakers that look like a Nautilus from that Brit company that everyone LOVES TO HATE ...

Then after my A/B sessions, I would decide to continue to book live musicians, because the staging and the dynamics aren't right with my speakers / amps.

Ah, life is good ...
Post removed 
Ohm Walsh A, rebuilt by Bill Legall of Millersound.

Once you see its impedance match to the air, every other loudspeaker ever built looks broken in comparison..