If I'm looking for "Tube Sound", why would I put a Tube Pre in front of a SS amp?

I'm purposefully not specifying speakers as I would like to know in general terms the arguments for and against. So, to the degree that speaker characteristics could also influence the choice, please  explain.  FWIW, I do not know a phase angle from an impedance curve so I will try and educate myself as we go along.  Hopefully, others may benefit too.

Showing 2 responses by jafant


the preamp (tubed or ss) is the heart of any system. You want the very best that you can afford. If you find that a ss pre& power amp is a bit too much, then a tubed preamp may round out your sound. A SS power amp is the best playback on electric guitar and bass guitar. 

As stated, I personally enjoy a tubed pre-amp w/ a ss power amp.
Wether it is an ARC or CJ pre-amp, this combo sounds the best to my ears.  ARC and Bryston is an excellent choice. CJ tubed pre-amps are very, very good w/ their ss power amps as well.  Most important of all, do  not forget carefully selected Cabling!