If I like sound of Ayre Integrated I would Like...

I am trying to get ideas of what Ingrted Amps I might need to look at before buying.

Please fill in the blanks.

Showing 8 responses by dcstep

Ayre and Cayin in the same breath is a bit of a stretch. Cayin is very good at it's price point, but not in the same league as Ayre, IMHO.

Wow, our audio dealer friend Mr. Feil has really gone over the edge. In the interest of fairness, everyone should go to his site and check out his wares. Maybe that'll stop his trembling lip.

So, check out Bill's offerings then check out Rowland for yourself. Reach your own conclusions.

Dkzzzz, the Jeff Rowland Design Group Continuum 500 meets all your criteria.

Jax2, Bill indeed did email me that his attempt at humor failed.

My point is, as always, know when a dealer is onthread and decide for yourself by audition whenever possible, after narrowing your choice as much as reasonable here and with other resources.

Jax2, perhaps you've never had Bill follow you around and bash your recommendations. I have. Perhaps that explains my lack of recognition of his attempt at humor.

A dealer doesn't have to recommend his own components to support his business if he's negative about the alternatives.

IMHO, dealers and manufacturers need to be very careful what they say on these forums. Perhaps that's unfortunate for those like Bill that just want to participate, but I think that they are held to a higher standard than us enthusiasts, whether they like it or not.

I believe in saying what I believe in the thread. Some people like to take it outside, but I would generally disagree. Bill misjudged, but his own admission, so I'm comfortable with his position in this thread. What happens between me and him in other threads is up to him.

Dkzzzz said to Pubul57:

"I got one answer from you, thank you. I also got a lot of spam.
It is frustarting to waste so much time on the way to somewhat realistic sound only becaue this market is full magic, woodoo..."

I see several good alternative suggested. I wonder what you're expecting. Ayre is near the top of the heap, so why not just buy that and forget about it. I think you're making more out of this than it's worth. If you like the Ayre and can afford it, then buy it. There's no need to worry about it, since there's nothing that's really going to blow the Ayre totally out of the water.
