If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear

This even without hearing it. The pieces are so beautiful I don’t see how they could not sound fabulous. The Sp10s look like they are built like a tank. I’d even buy their equipment racks. Maybe someday or maybe I’ll purchase something from their sister company Fleetwood sound. 

Showing 1 response by scott22

It's for rich cats with a ton of disposable income for the rest of us as  PT Barnum is credited with saying There is a sucker born every minute. One observation reading posts here for a year or so it is my belief the audiophile community is fertile ground for conmen. Also lets not forget there is the law of diminishing returns in play. Frankly, most of us older folk, our hearing is such that at some point spending larges sums improving your hearings frequency range might reap more benefit than plunking down more coin for more expensive gear.