If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear

This even without hearing it. The pieces are so beautiful I don’t see how they could not sound fabulous. The Sp10s look like they are built like a tank. I’d even buy their equipment racks. Maybe someday or maybe I’ll purchase something from their sister company Fleetwood sound. 

Showing 5 responses by has2be

If a Porsche 911 turbo still handled and drove the same but looked like a lada would you still pay the Porsche price, or if a Ferrari looked the same but drove and handled like a Pinto but cost Ferrari dollars would you still buy it....
Spending 360 thousand US it should look , feel and play the part.
I find much of their stuff plain ugly and that turntable...looks like a hat rack for the band Devo....outright fn ugly...
PS... the Links Chakster provided , those tables I find a different king of Ugly... garrish bling makes them look cheap..
"I am only arguing about careless use of the word "genius". "
I can relate to that statement.
Marketing opportunist imo is more accurate.

I think the Golden age of our hobby has long past from when it was more inclusive, and more populated people wise with music lovers first and foremost. It's very hard to argue with the scarcity of true quality pressings to buy/afford, yet here we are with turntables at 360, 000 US.
That's only Golden for the few since we are talking anologue.
We had great stuff back then and expensive stuff too. Just less of the uber stupid stuff.
Like it or not this current golden age by a huge vast majority now is a cell phone and good ear buds... 

We had our buds too...
We cleaned them using gatefold album covers...😊

"The only reasonable  objections are to the  looks, for some, or to the price asked. So don’t buy one."

That's reasonable. More reasoned than the silly ones over the top ranting praise for things they have never seen, heard and will definitely never own . All while spending frugal on mid fi vintage gear yet praising the complete extreme polar opposite...
"If you are on an audio forum debating the merit of a $400k turntable, I can promise, you are not their target audience."