Ideas re Spectron mated to Joule-Electra

Hi, am seriously considering buying Spectron Musician III MK II and mating it with Joule-Electra LA-150. Has anyone tried this pair with success (or disappointment). Would be paired with Mag 3.6 speakers and JL Audio F112 sub. Thanks.

Showing 5 responses by joeinid

I think the majority of Spectron owners end up getting Joule-Electra preamps because the are supposed to mate very well. I do think Spectrons benefit from good tube preamps and source components. Like I mentioned in a previous one of your threads, I am thinking of getting a Joule. Let us know what you decide.
Hi Drubin,

Thank you for your comments and experience with the LA-150. I'd like to add a little more of that sweet gorgeous tone to my system and want to try the LA-450ME. I think striking that balance is difficult and what many of us desire. What amp/preamp/speakers are you using now?
Very nice! I have an Ayre KX-R and while the combination is spectacular, I'd just like a little more sweetness. Please keep us/me updated.

Hi Dob,

Thanks for the link. Very cool. I heard a pair of B&W diamonds (not sure which model) with Ayre MX-R/KX-R. Sounded great.
You could always start with one Spectron and if and when you want add another. My amps are the latest Musician III Mk2's with all the upgrades, v-cap, bybee and fuses. Two monoblocks brings you to the next level, but start with one and go from there.