Ideas for my next DAC....?


1- USB and Ethernet capable
2- Plays all/most hi-res formats
3- Can serve as my pre-amp/volume control with no SQ degradation

Price range: 6-10k used or demo

Tbh I'm really just starting to collect ideas to compare to my current DAC, which I actually like quite a bit, but just - as always - wondering "what else is out there".

Since retiring my Audio Note DAC, I haven't had a chance to listen to anything other than the DSD, which makes me itchy.  I loved the AN -- actually it sounded incredible -- but it's technology lost pace with the rest of my system (limited hi-res capability, no network connectivity option far as I'm aware, and I hadn't done USB so would have to send it in).

Showing 3 responses by dlcockrum

It is a rare animal that meets all of those requirements. The Yggdrasil meets none of the OP’s stated requirements and neither the Codex nor the Adagio recommended above meet the first requirement of having Ethernet input. This narrows the field quite a bit. The preference for being all hirez-format capable narrows the field even further, eliminating the Empirical Audio DAC, which meets requirements 1and 3 quite well.

The PS Audio DirectStream with Bridge II option and the Simaudio Neo 380 with the optional balanced preamp section are two I can think of that meet all of the requirements, but they both convert everything to DSD (if that is a concern) and neither will sound anything like the Audio Note IMO.

The OP was very specific in his requirements and the Oppo Sonica meets only one of those three regardless of its sound quality.

Do people even bother to read the original post anymore or just view every thread as a vehicle to tout their favored gear, regardless of its fitness to address the OP’s needs?
