Ideal SUT for Lyra Olympos cartridge?

I have a Lyra Olympos on a Graham Phantom arm and like this combination alot. I am looking for the SUT that can best match this cartridge. I've got a rather inexpensive Cinemag which simply doesn't highlight the attricutes of this cartridge at all. Price aside, what would fellow Goners suggest and where to get it. Auditorium, Express, Shindo, looking for some meat on the bones type of sound and hopefully some flexibility for future carts.

Showing 1 response by vusi_khumalo

I'm fully with Rauliruegas on this one!
Excuse this crazy question but have you tried the Lyra straight into the MM input of your Shindo? This might give you a taste of how good a non-SUT setup can be? I do not doubt that there a great SUTs out there but they are few and far between(probably expensive too, + extra interconnect cost)), I personally never came across one.
I have a 0.28mV MC Colibri which I ran for a year into the ARC Ref Phono MC input (built-in Jensen SUT, 69db gain). Not sure what alcohol or drug I was on one night but I tried it into MM (48db gain) and up to this day I can't believe how much better it is. Yes there's a bit more hiss but the sound, OMG! So I'm now looking for a higher output Colibri. For half the cost of a great SUT I suspect you can finance an upgrade/crossgrade to a good non-SUT valve higher gain phono stage, maybe. BTW it also wouldn't suprise me if a cheaper higher output Lyra sounds better straight into MM than your current cart through an SUT...