Ideal SUT for Lyra Olympos cartridge?

I have a Lyra Olympos on a Graham Phantom arm and like this combination alot. I am looking for the SUT that can best match this cartridge. I've got a rather inexpensive Cinemag which simply doesn't highlight the attricutes of this cartridge at all. Price aside, what would fellow Goners suggest and where to get it. Auditorium, Express, Shindo, looking for some meat on the bones type of sound and hopefully some flexibility for future carts.

Showing 1 response by t_bone

I agree with Mosin on checking on Intact Audio transformers, or those from Bent Audio. I have a set of Bent Audio Mu transformers and they are the first transformers that I have had which really perform at a top level where I don't think I am missing too much.

Separately, there are some top quality headamps out there dating from the Golden Age of analog (late 70s early 80s) which are just fantastic. Personally, I prefer my headamp to my Bent Audio SUTs.

I think discussion of why some people think MM carts are less than perfectly appealing should be done in a different thread.