Ice Age Audio Cables Q & A

This is my attempt at making everyone aware of who we are and what we actually do. I’ve noticed ongoing comments and questions in these forums over the years since we’ve been in business, most of them being assumptions and accusations. I’ve seen where some of our customers have made comments in our favor and they are all very much appreciated.

We don’t claim to be “God’s Gift” to the audio industry, and we aren’t saying that our products are the “Very Best”. But we do produce a quality product that shows very positive results at a very competitive price. Our 100.00 cable has out performed well known name brand cables costing 300.00 to 1000.00 over and over again. Not everyone wants to spend 1000’s of dollars on power cords, so we’re offering a quality product that works at a fair price, that’s all.

We not only build cables for retail end users, we also build cables for Equipment Manufacturers and High End Audio/Video Stores. Not just here in the U.S. but in other countries as well.  We offer private label programs and people continue to take advantage of them, so it’s clear that what we’re doing is working. Our local High End Store uses 100% Ice Age Audio products on their main Showroom System, along with all of their custom installs. What does that tell you???

We’re constantly being told that we don’t charge enough. One customer/reseller tried our cables and loved them. He then commented that we made his company look bad because our 100.00 cable sounded better than his 500.00 cable.

It’s a pretty simple concept. We use quality parts, and offer a large selection of products for both audio and video applications. We stock all of the international plugs so we can offer products on a global level. We offer a huge selection of C7, C13-15 Amp and C19-20 Amp IEC cables configured with U.S., Australian, EU Schuko and UK mains. All orders are produced at the time of the order. We stock parts not products, so building something custom is no different than any other order we produce. We offer a color selection so “YOU” the customer can pick what looks best in your system.  We use a Cryogenic Treatment process that is singular to us. The Cryo facility that we use is very well known for their Treatment Process, end results and improved performance. We are the ONLY wire/electronics company that they work with so that gives us an edge on the competition.

We’re here to help you in any way we can, and we’ve been doing that on a global scale for going on 8 years. At this point we have sold 1000’s of cables world wide. We have products throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America along with Australia and New Zealand. We continue our research looking for new products that meet our expectations. This past year we added RCA and XLR Interconnects along with Speaker Cables to our product line.   Both are showing very positive results. We are starting to work on USB A-B cables for 2021, we are currently in the testing stage.  Starting this year we will be offering monthly specials on our website, just an FYI.

I’m going to address an “old post” on Audioasylum. At that time we were new to the industry and still in the learning stages.  His complaints were invalid.  And if I’m correct his issue was with 1 cable only, not all of them.  It didn’t matter what I offered him in my attempt to help with his situation, nothing was acceptable. The best way to describe this particular customer is…when someone calls you and threatens to drive across country to “quote, unquote” KICK MY ASS; their overall mentality becomes self explanatory. He in turn posted negative comments EVERYWHERE. All of these Audio/Video forums have since removed his comments, with the exception of Audioasylum and there’s evidence of that on the web if you only look for it. Audioasylum has refused to remove the post. I’ve reached out too them via email multiple times and even wrote them an actual letter and they’ve never once responded to any of my attempts or communications. Where we’ve experienced ongoing positive reviews since first starting in business, it only takes 1 negative comment to scar you for life. There you have it!!!

If you’d like to read an actual review of our cables, here is a link to a published review from

We are a legit supplier and will continue to do our best to produce products that people enjoy. As with everyone within this wonderful hobby, we are all looking for our own unique individual sound. We are lucky enough to have experienced a 99% success rate with our products, simply because you can’t make 100% of the people happy.  If anyone has any questions whatsoever, I’m very easy to find. All of my contact information is on our website.  Feel free to reach out anytime.

If after reading this you’re only knee jerk reaction is to post something negative, do me a favor, keep your comments to yourself, I’m by no means looking for an argument.




Showing 2 responses by hdjones

I purchased a few months ago the ice age audio speaker cables. My system is now totally wired with ice age cables including interconnects and power cords. I have to say I believe it is the best speaker cable on the market!  They have no sonic signature at all.  Bad recordings sound bad and great recordings sound great!  If the recording has all the Sonics like bass response extended highs soundstage width and depth you will hear it. If it is not there you won’t hear it! This is not a speaker compensator cable, it adds nothing to the signal. This is a true audiophile path cable. This is the reason I claim it is the best. It is hard to compete with nothing. And that is what the speaker gives you , absolutely nothing but the signal from your amplifier! 

I have been a customer of ice age for about 5 years. I have replaced my  all of my synergistic research power cords and recently all of my balanced interconnect cables.  even though my synergistic cables are 22 years old, the ice age new cables were far less expensive than what I paid 22 years ago!  The ice age cables do out perform  also. Rick Parker is one of the best people to deal with in the audio industry! He is a audiophile just like us. We became friends over the years, and he even sends me new products to audition along with some other people also. So you see ,he doesn’t just throw out a new product for sale before doing his homework, confirming how the product performs so he can assist customers!  All my future cables , including a usb and HDMI will be coming from Ice Age Audio!  Keep up the great quality and craftsmanship you always provide! God Bless Rick and Brody Parker!