IC for CJ PV12 Sunfire TrueSub Jr CJ MV2250?

Hey all,

I'm hoping the gurus of sound can help will a small dilema I have. I'm looking for a very neutral interconnect (3m) to run from a CJ PV12 > line level in/out of a Sunfire TrueSub Jr > CJ MV2250. I'm not looking to break the bank ($300 max/pair), but would like something that's not going to cripple the sound.

My other option is to run speaker level, which is what i'm currently running (Straightwire Octive > B&W N805/Sunfire)

Any insight is GREATLY appreciated!


Showing 1 response by kjg

My best experience using inexpensive IC's with CJ preamps/amps has been with Homegrown Super Silver. A great match for the CJ electronics at a very attractive price.