IC Failure

I recently had a failure in one of a pair of very high-priced, prestigious IC's. It simply has stopped transmitting a signal. I have swapped them out with other IC's in different components and definitely have isolated the problem to the IC. Both IC terminations are intact and solid. Can an IC short out?

Additional info: I just had the caps in my pre upgraded to Teflon, and this failure happened when I tried using my DAC. The suspect IC's ran from DAC to pre. All pre inputs, including CD and DVD, work fine with other IC's.

In almost 40 years of audiophilia I have never had this happen. Thanks for input. Want to hear from the cognoscenti before I go back to manufacturer.


Showing 1 response by nasaman

OMG, don't tell me this is another Synergistic Rersearch workmanship failure. One of my S.R. got intermittent, I opened it up and found S.R's assembler missed soldered the wire to the RCA connector both + and -. The soldering cup has no residue or any indication of the wires were ever being soldered. Geez, they already over priced the cables, now get the job done right. I will never buy S.R again.