Good evening,

I decided to assemble a Streamer/Dac system based on Raspberry and Ian Canada boards (Dac, reclocking, power supply). So I would like to know your thoughts on this and if anyone has had experience with Ian Canada components.
Kind regards.

Alessandro Catalano


Showing 2 responses by melm

I’m running a "Gabster" steamer stack with I2S out using 2 Accusilicon clocks. For the moment using a $2 cable. I think it’s great.


This is what I have so far: iFi iPower2, PurePi II, RPi 3b (Volumio), FifoPi Q7II (Accusilicon clocks), HdmiPi Pro II, UcConditioner Pro 3.3V

I have now come to regard Iancanada as excellent in the digiital space, but unknown (to me) in the analog (or DAC) space so I have limited my buy to a streamer and I do have a fine Musetec DAC  So in goes the ethernet and out goes the I2S, an extremely efficient route. I may later add the far better clocks, and perhaps a receiver and monitor pro, needed to chose among inputs.  We'll see.

These boards are very fine in quality, but they are not cheap.  And the stack is ugly.  Nonetheless I’m achieving a performance level that I thought was far more expensive than I was willing to pay for.  Besides the excellent circuitry, it's the SOTA power supplies.