Hi I'd really like to know if anyone is successfully and enjoyably using either a PS Audio or dCS SACD transport into a high end DAC such as the Mola Mola. I'm not interested in hearing about CHI-FI DACs.

I am specicically interested in pure DSD across I2s which has not been converted in any way and any issues with high end DACs handling the signal.

If you can enlighten me on alternative I2s, DSD transports and servers or even possible USB to I2s converters, it would be highly appreciated. Thanking you in advance. My server is an Aurender N20.


Showing 2 responses by o_holter

Is it the case that patent rights etc are still hindering development and employment of DSD? If so, very sad. We are soon in 2022.

I have recorded my best LPs to DSD for many years, with the Tascam DA-3000 as the best recorder, so far. I mainly listen to these recordings on holiday, travel etc, played back by a little DAP (Fiio x3ii). I like it, with vinyl clicks and all, but maybe I am conditioned to ’vinyl’ sound. I do notice, over the years, that the gap between my DSD recordings and good quality streaming, is getting smaller. On the other  hand, DSD is not static, either - changing from single speed DSD (on Korg MR1) to double speed (Tascam) was a clear improvement.