I would like to hear from ex-Linnophiles

I love to hear Linnies talk about their gear which such passion. They almost make you feel that your missing out on something special. Instead of asking Linnophiles what they like about Linn since I already know the answer, Im interested in hearing from those that have left the fold. So,I would appreciate comments from those who have left and why. TIA Emil.

Showing 1 response by jeffloistarca

I read an interview with Ivor from Linn several years back; his arrogance and plain stupidity turned me off Linn for life. Add in the dumb names he gives his stuff, and I'm not interested at all, in my mind there are is much better to be had out there for similar prices. Truth be told, although Linn holds it's value in the market, I find their products represent poor bang-for-the-buck. I have noticed Linnies think the stuff is unbeatable, almost rabid loyalty to the gear. Whatever floats yer boat..Jeff