I would advise to avoid amazon for vinyl purchases

In the past, I have ordered quite a few LPs from amazon.com Most of them have been warped to some degree. I returned them and got replacements that were warped as well. I finally got a refund after arguing back and forth about the product being opened. Amazon doesn't pack the LPs as well as some of the other respected music vendors. You will be better served to stick with music direct, acoustic sounds or elusivedisc. I have always had good luck from the vendors above. Just thought I would let you guys know about my experiences.

Showing 2 responses by andyprice44

The purchases I made were direct from amazon. I felt a bit safer buying from them rather than indiviuals. The few that I did purchase from individuals were shipped fine. The LPs direct from amazon were shipped in a box with packing peanuts. Just loose inside the box. The records were slightly warped and the corners of the outer sleeve all dented up. I'm not sure how amazon stores their records in the warehouse or if it is climate controlled but, the majority of vinyl I did purchase direct from amazon was warped. I don't purchase through them any more.
I will need to check out dusty groove. I am sure there are alot of good individual sellers on amazon. I am not bashing them by any means. I am just stating that I have not had good luck with LPs direct from amazon