I wonder why......

If power cables offer such dramatic improvements (not saying they do or don't), why don't component manufacturers supply them as part of a component sale? All high end components come with power cords that can be disconnected. The cost of a mid level aftermarket replacement cord is only a fraction of what the typical high end component costs so if sound is improved so much, why wouldn't a manufacturer want to "improve" the sound of their components by providing an upgraded cord at the point of sale? 

High end automobiles (Porsche, Ferrari, AMG, etc.) are typically supplied with the best tires available on the market. Often these are specifically designed by tire makers to the auto maker's specs. This is to extract every ounce of performance from their product. If high car makers did what audio manufacturers did, they would be supplying their cars with average, run of the mill tires expecting the buyer to upgrade on his own. Wouldn't audio component makers want to extract the best performance from their gear?

The only thing I can think of is that audio component manufacturers don't think so called upgraded power cables are worth the added cost.

What am I missing?


Showing 2 responses by jchiappinelli

Couple of comments;

1. Never said aftermarket power chords didn't have an effect or weren't worth it. Just raised a question about why they weren't offered as part of the OE package. Raising the thought that perhaps OEMs didn't feel it was worth it was not a condemnation of those who buy and claim benefits from aftermarket cords. I haven't had that experience thus far.

2) Responses fall into the usual 3 categories; 1) those that address the question and offer constructive commentary, 2) those that miss the point of the question, and 3) those that have no idea what they're talking about.

3) Constructive responses (IMO) that I hadn't considered included granny ring's "what length?", millercarbon's "needed for component resale", and pgaulk60's " everyone loves options". All good points.

4) Several responses supported the "there is no point to aftermarket cords" theory.  Whether true or not, that was not the point of my original question.

What? No drinking?  If musical enjoyment is the end game, I submit one of the best tweeks is a glass of single malt (or your personal favorite adult beverage). Seriously, I rarely listen to my system without some libation. If i didn't prohibit myself from smoking indoors, I would also smoke a good cigar as a tweek to enhance the experience. After all, isn't the point of spending all this money to elevate your musical enjoyment experience, not collect hardware or achieve technical perfection. 
