I was literally minutes from purchasing the Special 40's...

...when Shaun on YouTube brought out the MoFi LS3/5a's, I did some research, and now I'm torn. This midrange sound is what I've been seeking ever since I heard a pair of Proac SC1's back in the day. Would I get more of that midrange magic/reality from a LS3/5a ?... and if that's the right choice, should I spend the $3000 on a Gold Badge Falcon?

Showing 3 responses by davidbayappel

I’d go for a used pair of Graham LS5/9s. Fantastic natural sounding speaker with one of the best midranges (see the reviews) and plenty of dynamics - something you’ll never find in an LS3/5; and that ‘unnatural’ lack of dynamics is not worth the midrange, not long term anyway IMHO.
I’ve owned a pair of P3ESRs and found 1) that the volume needs to be turned up quite a bit for the speaker to come alive and 2) that there is something about the limited dynamics that proved very unsatisfactory in the long run. It’s not that I crave lots of bass and dynamics, but ultimately the limitations made for a somewhat one dimensional experience, at the cost of not being a truly universal musical transducer. 
I now have a pair of new Graham LS6 and they are a better balance midrange and dynamics/bass.

However, I’ve already traded up to the Graham LS5/9f floorstander, which is a much more satisfying speaker, which to my ears has magical midrange to challenge any LS3/5-iteration.

The monitor LS5/9 is basically the same though and can be had for less that 3000 USD used (see HiFishark.com) - fantastic speaker! Good luck 😉 


Didn’t mention I’ve also owned the Dynaudio Contour 20, which is one model up to the Special 40. Never really fell in love with that speaker, although it sounded impressive at first. Regarding the Special 40, heard that as well and I noticed an unnatural congestion in the midrange - and later found that mentioned in the Stwreophile review as well - so if natural midrange is what you’re after, be warned 👍 Also, the Dynaudio 30s are not a fast speaker, a bit slow actually, especially and that is annoying, at least to me. Heard the Graham LS5/9 be my Contour 20s and was blown away - midrange magic AND dynamics and bass - I was sold 😁