I want digital audio

I love my hi-fi CD based systems, but I'm sure loving my iPod too! I can take 30-40 uncompressed CDs with me in the car in something the size of a deck of cards. I take all those CDs to the office, or travel anywhere, and pull up any song or CD or playlist and have some tunes. I can't wait for higher storage capacity and better audio capabilities. I can just imagine having my entire CD collection available at the press of a button. I'm sure the bleeding edge components will cost a lot (like the Linn system), but the iPod is setting the model for doing it pretty well for low cost (compared to many high-end systems). Some may turn their shoulder to it, but I think the iPod and the concept of digital audio are exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing where it leads over the next year. I hope someone comes up with a digital "transport" to connect to the DAC of my choice. Perhaps CES 2004 will have surprises for us in this new arena.

Showing 1 response by lugnut

I like your attitude Budrew. You are growing with the medium you have embraced. I would think that everyone should be excited about what the future holds for digital storage and retrieval. These are exciting times watching the unfolding of this technology. Setting aside all the fussing and fueding about the superiority of one software over another, ultimate portability and accessability is something only the digital realm will provide.