i want a dull, caramel colored cd player any ideas

i like a dull, veiled, laid,back, boring sound capable of putting me to sleep. i hate treble and i don't like detail. i like subtractive coloration to such an extent that all recordings sound the same. you can talk about detail, neutrality all day long.
if you don't tap your foot, it doesn't matter.

i want to relax, not bothered by detail or dynamics. veil the sound and cut off the highs. darkness and dullsville is my motto, by choice. thick caramel syrup makes me happy.

Showing 7 responses by zaikesman

Ta da! Behold Mrtennis' first thread and only Agon post (under that moniker anyway). Insincere, yet unfunny. Wonder if there'll ever be another? If so (and you're welcome by all -- even if you're a skeptic/critic), I'd suggest tweaking the approach...
Mrtennis really Mr. Gillette? Nah -- Sam Tellig is funny. Hey, maybe he's really John McEnroe or Jimmy Connors...
Now *that's* funny -- a Bose recommendation from a guy who recalls listening to CD's back in the 70's ;^)
Dave: Off on the years -- but right on for giving Mrtennis the recommendation he surely deserves ;^)
if people just used logic and took my request literally at face value
Members using logic and taking your words at face value is what got us here in the first place Mrtennis. Let's revisit some of those words for a moment, shall we?

"i like a dull, veiled, laid,back, boring sound capable of putting me to sleep. i hate treble and i don't like detail. i like subtractive coloration to such an extent that all recordings sound the same...veil the sound and cut off the highs. darkness and dullsville is my motto"
Followed up by this evergreen gem,

"what evidence do you have that i am insincere ?...is there anything i said which sounds like i don't mean what i say ??"
Uhh, only everything?

[if people] tried to answer the question seriously with respect, i don't think we would be going back and forth on this
If your post seemed either serious or respectful I might agree -- as it is, going back and forth appears to be what you wanted (it's called a troll, and yes I'm indulging you)

i am really surprised so many people are reacting angrily, as if i have insulted them
Doubt anybody's actually angry or insulted. But surprised you shouldn't be if you waste people's time

an obvious answer to my question, which i am aware of is to use an equalizer and forget about the cd player.

i am surprised nobody has suggested that.
Velo62 did just that in the fifth response (now you can be surprised)

another answer/opinion would be that such a component does not exist as an amp, preamp, cd player or speaker.
Hmm, ya think?

i am slowly coming to that conclusion.
At 64? That is slow.

the reason for asking the question is the hope that i am wrong and there is a cd player that is consitent with my sonic preference, but i guess insecure audiophiles have their own agendas
Well Mrtennis, when you have an agenda of 1 -- however secure -- you really can't expect an industry to cater to it
Mrtennis: Go back and reread my first post. If you were sincere, your seemingly highly satirical method of communicating it -- especially in light of your total lack of Audiogon history -- was completely out of whack. Sincere contributors, while they may joke around at times, aren't in the habit of posting threads that look for all the world like a troll. Personally, I'll stand by my very reasonable -- based on the evidence -- interpretation, and continue to think you might just be changing your tune now to wiggle out of a jam, or more likely still having your fun with a troll, until you acquire a track record around here to prove otherwise. It's nothing personal, just based on experience and what you wrote. I note I'm not the only one to take what you wrote the way I did. If I was wrong, I regret the misunderstanding, but don't feel I'm to blame for it. If you're not trying to have us on, then it's up to you not to come across like it.
my point is that in life one assumes innocent until proven otherwise
That's life (or really only the platonic ideal of the justice system) -- this is the internet. Also, on the internet as in life, one should try to be cognizant of the rules of the game if one does not want to feel cheated by the experience. But we all have to start somewhere with every new venture.

if you have any constructive suggestions i would be glad to hear them
If what you're claiming is literally true, then I would guess you should probably go to an ear doctor, get tested, and maybe get fitted for a set of custom-tailored in-ear filters to make life, or at least listening, tolerable.