i want a dull, caramel colored cd player any ideas

i like a dull, veiled, laid,back, boring sound capable of putting me to sleep. i hate treble and i don't like detail. i like subtractive coloration to such an extent that all recordings sound the same. you can talk about detail, neutrality all day long.
if you don't tap your foot, it doesn't matter.

i want to relax, not bothered by detail or dynamics. veil the sound and cut off the highs. darkness and dullsville is my motto, by choice. thick caramel syrup makes me happy.

Showing 16 responses by mrtennis

to zaikesman:

what evidence do you have that i am insincere ?

you have a right to prefer your stereo system to sound anyway you want.

why don't i have that right too ?

is there anything i said which sounds like i don't mean what i say ??

have i offended your sensibility and questioned your standards as to what constitues acceptable and/or good sound ??

i welcome a personal conversation.

perhaps i could learn from you.
another thought:
i suspect i have annuciated a position with which no audiophile would agree.

if so, let people suggest that i turn in my audiophile society membership card and be barred from purchasing so called "high end" equipment.
you guys need a therapist. you are almost as bad as some manufacturers with big egos.

i'm not sam tellig and i'm sorry if i offended anyone.

what right does anyone have to question my sincerity ?

it is your opinion that i want the worst sound. perhaps, you are listening to the worst sound, and i want the best sound. it's all a matter of opinion.

i'm sorry you are all taking it so personally.

evryone has the right to statisfy his/her sonic preferences without being judged by others.

remember, those who question my sincerity may at some future time have their integrity or sincerity questioned.

look in the mirror before questioning anyone's sincerity.

watch out someone may put a pin in your big ego.
hi jea48:

i have tried ferrite beads, they do more harm than good. i am 64 years old. i have an all tube system with quad 63 speakers.

my preference runs toward a vvary dark and veiled sound. that is my taste.

i am really surprised so many people are reacting angrily, as if i have insulted them for prefrring a sound they don't liek and perhaps implying i am questioning their judgment as to the criteria ofr good sound.

if people just used logic and took my request literally at face value and tried to answer the question seriously with respect, i don't think we would be going back and forth on this.

an obvious answer to my question, which i am aware of is to use an equalizer and forget about the cd player.

i am surprised nobody has suggested that.

another answer/opinion would be that such a component does not exist as an amp, preamp, cd player or speaker.

i am slowly coming to that conclusion.

the reason for asking the question is the hope that i am wrong and there is a cd player that is consitent with my sonic preference, but i guess insecure audiophiles have their own agendas.
thank you mr z. for yor analysis.

you assume on the basis of my original post that i wasn't serious and therefore insincere and waisting peoples time. when you assume... you know the rest.

in the future it would be wise not to assume anything. it is certainly a nicer way to behave as a human being.

since i can in no way be responsible for your behavior, i question why you are so rude ?
i have settled on a cd player.

it may not be dull, but according to recommendations, may be one the warmer players out there and gives me the opportunity to change spectral balance by finding a suitable 6922.

the player is the BAT VK D5.
thank you again mr. z for a thorough explanation.

ket me see if i understand the issue you raise.

i have indicated a desire to achieve a sonic presentation which lacks credibility with some individuals. i am allegedly desiring to attain the worst sound as phd staes and that position is not believable. it would then appear to some that i am disingenuous, or insincere in my request and have other agendas.

ok, you and others are entitled to your opinion.

you are implying that i am looking for a reaction and enjoying the result, so it seems.

if i say again that i dislike high frquencies and actually enjoy listening to a presentation devoid of clarity, will you now believe me or is such a position so unlikely that you still doubt the veracity of words.

my point is that in life one assumes innocent until proven otherwise.

you are assuming the opposite, i.e, accusing me and then saying the burdrn is on me to demonstrate the opposite.

i would hope a man of your education and intelligence, which by now i have great respect would take the opposite approach, namely, not a troll, or not an instigator, or not a churl until other facts are in.

as it stands now, i have gotten a few useful suggestions, accusations and the rest, sillyness.

just as you said, i don't take it seriously, audio is just a hobby.

i don't think that i am trying to extricate myself from a situation, because there is insufficient information to justify the attribute.

i bear no ill will to anyone.

you can see my other post which asks for information about cd players under construction which are not 24/192.

you made a valid point. will most likely not find the cd player of my dreams.

i may find one which does not irritate my ears, so if you have any constructive suggestions i would be glad to hear them.
hi tubemiser:

i am considering a granite audio 657, a unison unico and someone suggested a jolida.

i'm beginning to realize that the best i can get, is a cd player that is balanced, without any undue emphasis upon any part of the frequency spectrum.

i am focusing on tubed cd players because there is a chance that finding a nos tube might create some subtractive coloration, especially with respect to high frequencies.

my experience at CES and Stereophile shows, tells me that 24/192 players with up sampling will only highlight the flaws of bad recordings.

most cd players today are 24/192, including the jolida, so i have to hope that the right tube can partially compensate for the high resolution of current cd players.

i also realize that most audiophiles like the high resolution format, so i ahev been criticized somewaht for taking a very unpopular position.

hopefully, as i explain myself and people get to hear some of my comments they will realize i not trying to a non conformist for its own sake.
phd, i thank you for your understanding.

at this point let me try to put things into context.

i have listened to many components which have been described as warm sounding , balanced, not irritating, etc.

i have been to 12 CES shows, numerous stereophile shows in NYC and i have been a member of an audio club for 20 years.

i admit that my preference is quite different than most "audiophiles".

i felt that in order to attain a sense of an organic full bodied sound, i would ask for suggestions for a "dull" presentation, figuring that if i found acd player with that attribute, i could live with it.

i also admit that i have not considered the sensibilities of other people and could have worded my request differently.

i suppose i came accross as provocative and challenging the way others like to listen to music.

so, i have been duly chastened and perhaps deserved some of the criticism.

i apologize to those whom i offended.

i have been speaking to scott nixon about modifying his tube dac to soften it a little, and hopefully that will come to pass.

i have the CAL Alpha and Delta and have been using NOS tubes. it's not a bad combination.

i found a line cord by DCCA audio which i like, which is on the warm side and hopefully with a little tweaking, can realize a sound that comes close to my Audionote CD2 with a GE 5751 black plate.

again, thanks for your understanding.

all of these postings have taught me a valuable lesson in life--don't be a bull in achina shop.

i'm considering a bat vk d5. i have a post requesting opinions about the sound of this cd player. the post may not appear for 4 to 8 hours.

i may have to make a decision tomorrow.

i would appreciate any ideas.
hi herman.

i have not found such a player. i don't think such a player exists.

whenever reading a review, the reviewer states his/her reference system and you would note all of the components which were included as part of the review.

the only reason for you to be concerned about my unusual preference is in the event, you were unaware of a component.

however, in any review it is possible that there is at least one component which you have never encountered or heard of.

i would prefer to put the cart after the horse.

if you read a review and you are unfamiliar with a component, just ask me about it. my vast experience attending ces and other shows may be of help to you.

at this time, given the "controversy" that has ensued as a consequence of my many threads and posts, i chose not to divulge my name.

i feel i am in good company, because i am not aware of the names of other reviewers who frequently post on audiogon, who have admitted to being reviewers.

one more thing about reviews: given the nature of what a review is being aware of reviewer preferences does not help you because a professional reviewer does not let his preferences interfere with his task, which is honest reporting.

reading a review will not help you avoid a mistake. i don't take reviews seriously. they are just entertainment.

i enjoy and am challenged when i write them, but i don't take them too seriously and you shouldn't either.

sorry i can't be of more help, but i must protect myself from over zealous, dogmatic individuals who may cause trouble.

your understanding is greatly appreciated.
by the way tvad, you seem to be rather full of yourself.

the way you order people around, you should have been a construction boss.

fortunately for me, you are not my boss, not my teacher, and not my parent. i suggest you lighten up.

you take audio and this forum much too seriously.
hi tvad, are you 9rw's clone ?

again it is easier to catch a fly with honey than with vinegar.

it's up to you to find out who the other reviewers are. it doesn't matter to me who is or is not a reviewer. being a reviewer is no big deal.

if you take reviews too seriously, that's your problem.

i respect your opinion, you are entitled to it. i'll leave it to your judgement what reviews are or are not suitabl;e reading material for various endeavors.

by the way do you have an anger management problem ?

you come accross as very hostile. have i offended your sensibilities ?

didn't your mother tell you, "if you have nothing good to say, be quiet" ?
hi tvad. i guess it's my fault. i can't tell when you're kidding or being serious.

in the future, i will assume you are joking and therefore won't take offense.

read my next thread . perhaps you'll find it interesting
9 rw, i have reviewed the following interconnect cable:

synergistic research, audioquest, soundstring and lefenburg by capativa

i have reviewed sound fusion sound busters anti resonant devices, sim audio eclipse cd player, minimax cd player and the channel islands audio dac.

i have also written feature articles covering such subjects as synergy, neutrality, the purpose of a stereo system, accuracy and musically and knowledge, opinion and the audio experience.

currently i am in the process of reviewing sunny cable technology cable, dcca cable and solitone cable.

i have temporarily replaced my quad 63s with magnepan 1.6s because oone of the quads requires a replacement of at least one panel and the possible cost may exceed my purchase price.

by the way please read my latest post regarding the thread "adaptation level theory and component evaluation" .

following your suggestion, i have attempted to "come clean".