It is my experience that Martin Logan chooses an amp for it's ability to handle it's wicked impedance curve rather than how it sounds. No offense intended but I never thought Krell was a good match.
I have never heard the combo but they also think Mcintosh is a good match. I would prefer a deuce of moscode 401hr running in mono.
I'll say it one more. The speaker is what it is. Subs have always been in order for the CLS. xover at 360hz means not only is the CLX not a full range design it is probably a three way design.
We all know that Tom is biased. he founded the M/L sight because of his love for the speaker. He is like the guy waiting for the next star wars movie. Further more being invited to the M/L factory for a full day to hear a new speaker had to have effect on him. it's the same if Speilburg invited a trekkie for a private screening.
Nevertheless a true trekkie would call it like he sees it. I believe at least that Tom liked the speaker. Time will tell if the bloom fades off the rose.
That's the beauty of not having much money. By the time I have saved up enough money to buy, others have fully vetted the product.