I Think We Can All Agree...

Now, here's something I think we can all agree is very much needed for survival of our kind. (In case you didn't catch it, I'm being facetious!)


Showing 4 responses by uberwaltz

Maybe you could set up in the local park, set out a few chairs, a few 24 packs and charge admission.

Quick payback.

Agreed that this is atypical of all that is wrong with modern America.

Heck yes, and kept about 40k in my pocket on purchase too... lol
340hp in less than 3000lb equals MASSIVE grins.
No other soundtrack required.....
Now all I need do is figure out how to pay for a vastly over priced and over sized vehicle that the vast majority of owners have no need of whatsoever.

Sorry rant over.

Quite happy with my Focus RS thank you, nowhere to even consider any of that malarkey fortunately ... Lol.