I think some cables are just a little too expensive.

A while back a shop I did business with carried Transparent Audio Cables. They were so expensive it was obscene. They did sound good, but you had to move up from the bottom to the more idiotically pricey models to start to feel the magic. It had been several years ago and I wanted to check in on my old friends at Transparent Audio. This is their top of the line speaker cable. Now if you don't have a problem with this whole cable thing, this might push you over the edge. I can't imagine a speaker that would need such a cable. Wilson? Rockport? What amp? You can buy a nice luxury vehicle for the same price as a pair of speaker cables? Nelson Pass would be embarrassed to see these monstrosities on one of his amplifiers.


Showing 7 responses by chrismini

A friend just bought me a $99 DAC and I am really thrilled to have this thing. I used to have a fantastic system but ran afoul with the law and bye-bye big system. Losing all that didn't cause me to stop being an audiophile. Man I caught the bug in 1975. One thing I have to remind myself it's not about the equipment. It's about the music.
I heard a guy did that on youtube. Probably not the 65K model. I was told resistors and capacitors. I borrowed a $6000 balanced and it did sound awfully smooth. 1998. They made their networks out of aluminum back then. Most designers can't wait to tell you why their gear is worth so much. Not these guys. Very hush hush.
If I was wealthy I would have an amazing system. More analog. SME, Lyra, Graham Elite, all Pass amplification, Wilson, dCS, whatever cables fit the bill, custom listening room, power gear, and yeah I got a $3,000 headphone system and yeah I envy audiophiles that can afford $65,000 speaker cables, but I make the best of what I got .
Your saying the technology will filter down. In the 90's everyone was going nuts for digital systems because jitter was a real problem. Mark Levinson DAC's and transports were the best. But Toslinkc do and still tends to suck. What the big boys were using was an AT&T fiber optic system.. I mean they had to have their own interface chassis that contained a master clock to prevent jitter that the fibers from the DAC  and transport interfaced. Funny thing is the discs sounded horrible. 24/192? That was science  fiction back then. dCS still does something like that with a their Vivaldi 4 box -system, but that's dCS. When you're the best, you're the best. So yeah when you look at it that  way. BTW  digital will never out do vinyl. For years audiophiles have been saying that digital will get so good, it'll put the debate to rest, Hasn't happened yet. Because analog keeps getting better too. The audiophiles pressings, the advance in cartridge design. If you properly clean and use Last Record Preservative, if you clean your stylus and put Stylast on it, your records don't wear out. One more quick one: I went to a used record store in Chicago. Place had a good rep. It was all garbage from garage sales. But he had a Bowie Ziggystardust from the 70's that was an early Mobile Fidelity mint. Took it home vacuum cleaned it, applied Last and I lost track of how many times I played it. Over 100 easy. Just used a graphite brush. When I was a kid, that was science fiction.
I passively bi-amped a pair of Nautilus 802’s and I ran Transparent Super’s to the mids and tweets and Transparent Plus to the woofers. Used 2 Pass Aleph 5 60W pure and I mean PURE class A single ended. Problem was the channel powering the woofers were doing 90% of the work. So I’d swap them out once a month. To be honest it really wasn’t worth the trouble and I’ve got 2 amps drawing 300 watts idle.(to be honest, I still don’t think bi-wiring does all that much, if anything) So yeah I used more moderately priced Transparent cables. I was really loyal to one shop and that’s what they carried. I bought a used Transparent AES/EBU for $500. My DAC and transport(Micromega) had 3 possible interfaces. So I found the cheapest coaxial, and I mean cheap. No shield and the diameter of a Q-tip. Plugged both of them in. The $500 110 ohm vs. a coax Best Buy would be embarrassed to sell. I spent 2 hours bouncing back and forth and couldn’t tell the difference! I would bet none of your guys would either. So either Micromega pulled some stunt to save money on the receivers or... I used to think there’s a lot of speaker companies. Now the audiophile world is inundated. And more than any other product we deal with, more money doesn’t mean better sound. Just my opinion.
Hey tablejocky. Are those self powered speakers. If so, yeah you could do without $65,000 cables. I've never heard of them. How much would a pair set you back? Or is it if you have to ask...
Here's what ya do. Next time you got see your doctor, steal some blank prescriptions from him and write yourself for schedule II controlled substances. You know: :morphine, dilaudid, fentnyl, Xanax,Adderall. Party your ass off while listening to Pink Floyd or Smashing Pumpkins. Sooner or later, if you don't OD, you'll get caught. Pay a big time defense attorney $12,000 and at least stay out of jail. But you'll lose your job because nobody wants to work with a junkie. The only marketable skill you have and there's only one telephone company. Sell all your records and gear as you can't sleep under a turntable or eat records. And that is how it's done.
The end.