Thanks Lapierre, I appreciate your recommendations and will check them out.
I need your expertise selecting an amp & speakers
Well, the amp selection is multiple choice but the speakers are open-ended.
I started down this quasi-audiophile slippery slope around 2 years ago when I decided to upgrade my Paradigm 5 channel setup (Monitor 9s up front). I was using a Denon 3802 to drive them and I didn't really care for the sound. The room was pretty large and the speakers weren't able to fill it with sound. In retrospect the speakers were pretty decent so I probably should have tried some other things before upgrading them...
After a lot of research (and not a lot of auditioning) I decided on a pair of Magnepan 3.5Rs driven by mono-block Classe DR-15s and a REL Strata III sub using my Denon 3802 as a preamp. It was in a large family room with a half cathedral ceiling and the maggies did a great job of filling the room with sound. I intended to make this a 5 channel setup but never got around to selecting a center speaker or surrounds. I strongly prefer digital music (lossless) over CDs so I had a Sonos system with a Benchmark DAC1 with balanced output going directly to the DR-15s and bypassing the Denon when I wanted to listed to music.
2 years and 1 divorce later and I have downgraded my living arrangements significantly. The maggies are much to large for my new small living room (will provide dimensions/description in a follow-up after I find my tape measure but I'm guessing its 12x12 or 14x14).
I picked up several amps and other equipment I never got around to selling the items I wasn't using. So here's my complete inventory:
2 Classe DR-15s (stereo: 175wpc/8ohms, 350wpc/4ohms, mono: 700wpc/8ohms, 1400wpc/4 ohms)
2 Classe CA-100s (stereo: 100wpc/8ohms, 200wpc/4ohms, mono: 200wpc/8ohms, 400wpc/4 ohms)
1 McIntosh MC2120 (120wpc)
1 B&K Reference 3220 (3-channels, 220wpc/8ohms, 325wpc/4ohms, planned to use this for the center and rears)
1 Bel Canto eVo 200.2 (100wpc/8ohms, 200wpc/4 ohms )
2 Benchmark DAC1s (1 black, 1 silver)
1 Bel Canto DAC2
Pair of Magenpan MG 3.5Rs with Mye stands
REL Strata III sub
Blue Jeans Cable interconnects and speaker wires
Monster Power HTS 3500 power conditioner
Everything is in great shape so I'm looking to use what I have and just purchase new speakers. I also just purchased a Denon 2809 (4 HDMI inputs, new DACS, Audyssey tuning) that I'll use as a pre-amp for the fronts but maybe directly for the center and rear channels. I'd like to use 1 (or more if necessary) of the amps, 1 of the Benchmark DAC1s and the Strata III.
My priority is music and I listen to rock primarily. Depending upon the cost, I may just purchased 2 fronts now and get the 3 other speakers to complete the 5 channels later. I also watch movies but mostly at night when the kids are in bed so the volume is pretty low. I would like to have decent sound when watching movies and I can have moderate volume.
So, in addition to the small room and needing to keep the speakers close to the wall, I also have some young children and I'd like to keep the speakers away from them (if possible).
I just auditioned a pair of Magnepan MC1s which I thought would solve all of my problems: wall mounted so no concerns about taking up floor space, they're away from the kids, decent prices. Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed by the sound. They remind me of the 3.5Rs somewhat but I'm missing the highs and they don't have a full sound.
I thought I might go with a full B&W setup with a pair of 683s in front. I haven't listened to them but I think they may be too big (physically and sound-wise) for the room.
I'm thinking a decent pair of bookshelf speakers along with the sub may give me the sound I'm looking for. I don't have a lot of time to audition different speakers so I'm trying to research as much as possible to create a short list.
My budget is $1500 for the front pair and I'm hoping to replicate the quality of sound I have heard from the 3.5 maggies (hopefully my expecations aren't too high).
I'm reading more about B&W, Dynaudio, Revel, Focal, AST, Von Schweikert and others. I know there are local dealers for B&W and Dynaudio but not sure about the others.
I heard a pair of B&W FPM4s (wall mounted) at a store but I was not impressed.
To today I was (virtually) looking at Salk SongTowers which also led to Strata Minis based on a review comparison. Then the Salk HT3s look very interesting! Are all of these too big for my room or can they be placed close to the wall? If these could work I might be able to rationalize going way over my budget with the HT3s by selling the REL and sticking with a 2-channel setup indefinitely...
The sources will be HD cable/DVD/Xbox/Apple TV and Sonos -> Denon 2809 -> separate amp. Also, for dedicated music it will be Sonos -> Benchmark DAC1 -> separate amp (using balanced cables if the amp supports it).
In summary, I'm looking for a pair of great sounding (especially for rock music) bookshelf or floor standing speakers which cost around $1500-2000 here on audiogon and can be placed within 6-10 inches of the wall. If they are bookshelf speakers I want a full range of sound which can fill the room when paired with a REL Strata III sub. The "ideal candidate" will be from a line which also has matching center and rears that can be purchased later. If you're making a recommendation then I'd appreciate your input on which of my existing amp(s) you'd pair them with and why.
Thanks for taking the time to read my long post!
I started down this quasi-audiophile slippery slope around 2 years ago when I decided to upgrade my Paradigm 5 channel setup (Monitor 9s up front). I was using a Denon 3802 to drive them and I didn't really care for the sound. The room was pretty large and the speakers weren't able to fill it with sound. In retrospect the speakers were pretty decent so I probably should have tried some other things before upgrading them...
After a lot of research (and not a lot of auditioning) I decided on a pair of Magnepan 3.5Rs driven by mono-block Classe DR-15s and a REL Strata III sub using my Denon 3802 as a preamp. It was in a large family room with a half cathedral ceiling and the maggies did a great job of filling the room with sound. I intended to make this a 5 channel setup but never got around to selecting a center speaker or surrounds. I strongly prefer digital music (lossless) over CDs so I had a Sonos system with a Benchmark DAC1 with balanced output going directly to the DR-15s and bypassing the Denon when I wanted to listed to music.
2 years and 1 divorce later and I have downgraded my living arrangements significantly. The maggies are much to large for my new small living room (will provide dimensions/description in a follow-up after I find my tape measure but I'm guessing its 12x12 or 14x14).
I picked up several amps and other equipment I never got around to selling the items I wasn't using. So here's my complete inventory:
2 Classe DR-15s (stereo: 175wpc/8ohms, 350wpc/4ohms, mono: 700wpc/8ohms, 1400wpc/4 ohms)
2 Classe CA-100s (stereo: 100wpc/8ohms, 200wpc/4ohms, mono: 200wpc/8ohms, 400wpc/4 ohms)
1 McIntosh MC2120 (120wpc)
1 B&K Reference 3220 (3-channels, 220wpc/8ohms, 325wpc/4ohms, planned to use this for the center and rears)
1 Bel Canto eVo 200.2 (100wpc/8ohms, 200wpc/4 ohms )
2 Benchmark DAC1s (1 black, 1 silver)
1 Bel Canto DAC2
Pair of Magenpan MG 3.5Rs with Mye stands
REL Strata III sub
Blue Jeans Cable interconnects and speaker wires
Monster Power HTS 3500 power conditioner
Everything is in great shape so I'm looking to use what I have and just purchase new speakers. I also just purchased a Denon 2809 (4 HDMI inputs, new DACS, Audyssey tuning) that I'll use as a pre-amp for the fronts but maybe directly for the center and rear channels. I'd like to use 1 (or more if necessary) of the amps, 1 of the Benchmark DAC1s and the Strata III.
My priority is music and I listen to rock primarily. Depending upon the cost, I may just purchased 2 fronts now and get the 3 other speakers to complete the 5 channels later. I also watch movies but mostly at night when the kids are in bed so the volume is pretty low. I would like to have decent sound when watching movies and I can have moderate volume.
So, in addition to the small room and needing to keep the speakers close to the wall, I also have some young children and I'd like to keep the speakers away from them (if possible).
I just auditioned a pair of Magnepan MC1s which I thought would solve all of my problems: wall mounted so no concerns about taking up floor space, they're away from the kids, decent prices. Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed by the sound. They remind me of the 3.5Rs somewhat but I'm missing the highs and they don't have a full sound.
I thought I might go with a full B&W setup with a pair of 683s in front. I haven't listened to them but I think they may be too big (physically and sound-wise) for the room.
I'm thinking a decent pair of bookshelf speakers along with the sub may give me the sound I'm looking for. I don't have a lot of time to audition different speakers so I'm trying to research as much as possible to create a short list.
My budget is $1500 for the front pair and I'm hoping to replicate the quality of sound I have heard from the 3.5 maggies (hopefully my expecations aren't too high).
I'm reading more about B&W, Dynaudio, Revel, Focal, AST, Von Schweikert and others. I know there are local dealers for B&W and Dynaudio but not sure about the others.
I heard a pair of B&W FPM4s (wall mounted) at a store but I was not impressed.
To today I was (virtually) looking at Salk SongTowers which also led to Strata Minis based on a review comparison. Then the Salk HT3s look very interesting! Are all of these too big for my room or can they be placed close to the wall? If these could work I might be able to rationalize going way over my budget with the HT3s by selling the REL and sticking with a 2-channel setup indefinitely...
The sources will be HD cable/DVD/Xbox/Apple TV and Sonos -> Denon 2809 -> separate amp. Also, for dedicated music it will be Sonos -> Benchmark DAC1 -> separate amp (using balanced cables if the amp supports it).
In summary, I'm looking for a pair of great sounding (especially for rock music) bookshelf or floor standing speakers which cost around $1500-2000 here on audiogon and can be placed within 6-10 inches of the wall. If they are bookshelf speakers I want a full range of sound which can fill the room when paired with a REL Strata III sub. The "ideal candidate" will be from a line which also has matching center and rears that can be purchased later. If you're making a recommendation then I'd appreciate your input on which of my existing amp(s) you'd pair them with and why.
Thanks for taking the time to read my long post!