I need to add a SUB. Please HELP ME

Hello. I'd like to add a sub to my 2 channel system, but I don't know if I can do this with my integrated amplifier (MF a300) which only have one pair of preamp outputs (RCAs). Is it possible to do that with this amp? If so, please tell me how. If the answer is "yes, it is posible", is it possible with all subwoofers or just with some ones? THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Showing 1 response by drew_eckhardt

Sure. You have several options:

1. You can use a sub with speaker level inputs and a high pass crossover which works with those. Note that the cross-over will be fixed though, so this may be sub-optimal.

2. You can feed your pre-outs to the line level input of a sub with an adjustable line level cross over and adjust the crossover point for smooth integration.

If the sub doesn't have an adjustable crossover (or is a passive sub with its own outboard amplifier), you can still use it like this although you'll need to buy an outboard crossover.

3. If you have a separate record selector, you can run the tape outputs to the subwoofer line level inputs and sub outputs to the amp tape inputs. To use the sub, select the source using the record selector and tape with the main selector.