I need some turntable guidance

I am wanting to acquire a turntable but don't have enough information to make an appropriate purchase just yet. My two systems:

preamp-  Mac C2300 tube and has built in phono

Krell MCX 350 monos and PBN Audio KAS speakers

Mac MC275 tube amp and Klipschorn speakers with Volti upgrades

What price range should I be looking in? I want something that sounds great but is also appropriate for my level of gear. In other words, I don't want to under buy or over buy. What TTs would you guys suggest to me? 


Showing 6 responses by uberwaltz

Then there is ego. Which is often on display here.
Can't argue with that......
Sorry Mike but way too oversimplified and generalized!

It might help your cause if you cease denigrating anybody and everything that does not fit into your perfect little world viewpoint.
It has bugger all to with " being cool so it must be cool and sound good"
I listen with my ears not my eyes ( spec sheets , it’s an idler so it just HAS to rumble etc).
Like I said, there is room for all types of TT in this hobby and I for one will not be found criticising anybody’s choice of replay if they are happy with it.

Anyway sorry to get off topic as none of this side discourse is helping the OP whatsoever so.....
Enough said.

I am afraid Mike has blinkers on when it comes to anything else except a belt drive..
Having owned numerous belt drives and now LOVING the drive and energy from my 401 there will be no turning back for myself.

But I will not start criticizing belt and DD tables as a whole, because no matter what the science may say,  it is all.......


And nothing more.
Maybe you could have opened with that information?

A lot more there for members here to now go to town.
Btw OP.
Please do not get the impression that anybody is trying to put you off.
Rather just make you fully aware of some of the downsides and what is involved to be SATISFIED with record playback.
Elizabeth is spot on
Spinning records is not a media of convenience.
It takes a degree of enthusiasm and dedication.
Then after all that IF you went the cheap table and cart route you may well find yourself wondering what all the fuss is about as you most certainly will be underwhelmed at the sq.

Put simply , you will likely need to spend a fair bit more on a vinyl setup to achieve SQ that compares with a modest outlay on a digital setup.

The TT itself, the cartridge, the phono preamp, cables, SUT, record cleaning system.
All things you will look at and possibly spend money on down the vinyl rabbit hole.
You pays your money and you takes your chances.....