I need some turntable guidance

I am wanting to acquire a turntable but don't have enough information to make an appropriate purchase just yet. My two systems:

preamp-  Mac C2300 tube and has built in phono

Krell MCX 350 monos and PBN Audio KAS speakers

Mac MC275 tube amp and Klipschorn speakers with Volti upgrades

What price range should I be looking in? I want something that sounds great but is also appropriate for my level of gear. In other words, I don't want to under buy or over buy. What TTs would you guys suggest to me? 


Showing 3 responses by jperry

My recommendation is that you decide on a budget you can afford and go to a couple of local dealers who can let you audition some turntables, and set up the turntables for you.

If that is not an option, buy something new and already matched up (Technics, Pro-Ject, Rega) and see if you can find someone local to help you set it up.
It would be helpful to know what you have but regardless, my recommendation would be to get an AMG Giro with Turbo tonearm. It will not disappoint.

You should be able to get a demo under $10,000 including tax.

Another option is the AMG 12, Airforce 5 or a Basis turntable. Those might not fit in your non-budget

Holy Cow!!

I think the OP wanted some turntable advice, not a debate on the merits of Linn turntables