I need audition advice

I'm looking for MM or high output MC cartridges to audition in the sub-kilobuck range. Preferably around $700. I'm thinking I'll use it on a vpi table, so it must track well in a unipivot tonearm. My list so far is quite short--

1) Clearaudio virtuoso wood

2) Sumiko Blackbird

3) Sumiko Blue Point special (hey, if I like it enough to live with it it's much cheaper than the blackbird)

4) The Grado Master (the high output version.)

Does anyone else have a favorite, or comments on the ones I've already decided to audition?

Showing 1 response by slipknot1

Dynavector 20X or Karat. The 20X is available in both a low and high output configuration. The Dynas work really well on the VPI arms.