i need a power conditioner. monster?

looking at a pananmax conditoner for my system. i need about 5 outlets and some filtering for my digital cable....

its between a 5000 series panamax or a similar monster conditioner.....any reviews or opinions on either company?

I have finally sold my avs 2000 so there are no pimping comments in this post.---I owned the avs2000 for near 4 years. ---The big improvment was to the picture quality of my big RPTV.--- I see so many jumping on the "Monster-bashing" bandwagon. Well as they say, small things amuse small minds.---"M.C." was better to me than ANY other high end co. I ever dealt with. NOBODY ever replaced a unit where "I" caused the failure; then sent out a brand new unit,before the old one was picked up--and all for free.---I was honest and told them of my screw-up. 74lbs;overnight,for free??? That's service.
I am very happy with a Panamax 5300 to filter power to my McIntosh tuner, preamp, amp, and CD player. It also filters the power on my 32" Sony TV/Monitor and my Panasonic DVD recorder. I would suggest a modest upgrade, however, and chuck the stock power cord and get an upgrade - possibly a PS or similar.
Great quality and my audio system is dead quiet unless some audio is playing. TV picture always clear and clean - unless Comcast screws up with a bad signal on one or more of their channels. DVD recordings are very crisp and clear.
Look here at my review of the Equitech 5Q from their official website.


I still own the unit and it is FANTASTIC.

Avoid Monster and Furman.

I'm glad Dean has brought this thread to life,again.I have since gone through a few more pc's. I have a high volume system--read 'thirsty'.(My MC always read 120 as it went up or down;always to return to 120.)-- I had just purchased the AM XXX--since sold--did zero for me. Then I bought this $3800 conditioner. OK, this one qualifies in the "out-of-body"; cateagory. Then 3 days later I see one used for 900 less--and many days latter it hasn't sold.--A conditioner in this price range traumatises the wallet and the senses,in gereral.-- But,I think it money well spent.---AND, NO, I ain't giving them no free plug.
Avoid the Monster. Seriously.

Chang is good for that budget among a few others.