I need a lower gain 12au7 for Mastersound

I recently purchased a Mastersound Due Venti. It has 2 JJ ecc82 gold pins in the preamp. I find them to be a little high gain for my tastes. They do sound quite nice though don't get me wrong.

Could anyone recommend a 12au7 or variant that naturally has less gain than the JJ but still retains quite a lot of detail and low noise? New or NOS, doesn't matter to me.

Any responses or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Or if anyone has a Due Venti maybe they could let me know what preamp tubes they prefer?

I'm running it with a pair of La Scala's, they're just a little too efficient maybe...

Thanks for your time!!
I have some pairs of Telefunken smooth and ladder plates which have lots of detail but quiet.
Follow up number 2!

Destroyed all 4 SED EL34's in the amp. The bias was way too hot when I got it and I never checked, thinking it was auto bias. Every tube was red plating with in a week.

Contacted the Italians and they were kind enough to show me how to bias this older "Semi-automatic bias" amp???

They sent pictures and everything. Very nice people.

Bought a matched quad of the EH 6CA7s last week, biased them to "no more than 6VDC" (I'm still not sure how this stuff works...)

Everything sounded beautiful. Way better.
The hiss was cut in half as well.

Then I ended up finding a guy on eBay from Moldova selling NOS RFT ECC82s matched pairs for $10 a tube...(sketchy?)
Many people on tons of threads recommended these German made tubes as the quietest tubes you could find and one of their favorite 12au7s for detail and value.

Got them today, plugged them in and Wow!

I can turn the amp to top volume and I have to stick my ear right into the squawker of the La Sacala's to even hear a slight buzz.

And for detail, they blow the JJ Golds away! Even after just a days listen.

Maybe I'm just too excited about the whole thing and posting too soon. But I PRAY that things stay this way!!

Thanks very much for all the help you guys!
Very Very appreciative!

Thanks to Viridian as well for lots of good advice keeping me a little more sane.


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