I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls....

So I recently upgraded my system to a Rogue Audio Sphinx integrated amplifier, V2.

Prior to this purchase I was using a NAD C162 preamp, and an Emotive UA-200 amplifier.

After a month of listening, I have to say, I miss the tone controls and the loudness feature on the old NAD pre-amp, especially when listening at lower volumes. The Rogue amp sounds great when played at a minimum of 50% of its output, but at lower volumes, it just seems flat. I do use a sub (SVS SB-2000 pro, and I'm using a very efficient speaker (Zu Audio DW's).

I've toyed with the idea of buying an EQ of some sort that has a bypass so that I can boost some of the frequencies when listening at lower volumes, and then bypass when I listening at higher volumes.

Any thoughts on this? Anyone experience anything similar? I'm about to pack and sell the Rogue amp, as the cons outweigh the pros for me.




Showing 7 responses by gerrie

If you needs a loudness button or tone controle or equalizer throw your set at ebay.

A high end receiver i mean the top level receivers. A receiver is never high end mine fault.

The sansui au7700 is a amp 1975 i had the au417 that was mine first amp. That was 1977 with AR speakers and a dual turntable. I never used the loudness button.

Sorry but if you like loudness you dont know how to listen. The same is with magnepan why people put a subwoofer behind it is so wrong. The problem is not the maggies but the amps. And the low from the Maggie is so naturel but people wants a boom box. So that's why i hate loudness also.

A high end receiver can never give the sound as a good two channel amp.



Mahgister whats exactly the problem? You dont going to put this in your system??