I'm taking votes

I've decided to sink about another 20K in my system. I would like to upgrade either my digital front end or speakers. The CD12 would be my first choice for a CD player, and the Wilson Benesch Chimeras would be be my first choice for a speaker upgrade. What would you do, and why would you do it?

Showing 1 response by jtinn

Thsalmon: The CD12 is an excellent player. Personally I like the Audio Aero Capitole MK II (which I sell) a bit better, but they are fairly close.

I would recomend not spending the money on the CD12 as digital IS changing fairly quickly. The next generation of SACD players should be out very shortly and the last thing I would want is the possibility of owning an obsolete $20k CD player. Sorry Mike. :(

If you consider the Audio Aero Capitole, it also gives you the ability to run direct without your preamp. It is great for most people, but since you run multiple sources, it may not be the benefit it is to most. Hmmm.

I would say either:

1. Audio Aero Capitole MK II and an Anaconda vX or Elrod EPS 2 Sig power cord and pocket the rest of the money.

2. Wait to see what happens with Linn's new universal player.

3. Upgrade the speakers if you feel they lack in any way.
The WB Chimeras are a definite improvement over the ACT 1's, but you may want to try and listen to the Kharma 3.2 Reference Monitors. They are amazing!

Good Luck and your system in not bad as it sits. :)