I'm taking votes

I've decided to sink about another 20K in my system. I would like to upgrade either my digital front end or speakers. The CD12 would be my first choice for a CD player, and the Wilson Benesch Chimeras would be be my first choice for a speaker upgrade. What would you do, and why would you do it?

Showing 1 response by gregm

Gear comes & goes, but MUSIC stays. So I partly second the motion to buy music (preferably LP). However, as you'd like to influence the SOUND too, and given YOUR system, look into speakers first. You want fast speakers, neutral with an articulate bottom end. To better the WB, a speaker with slightly different drivers & design philosophy could do the trick; Kharma, big Piega, Acapella, are only some such offerings... I don't recommend stats because I never successfully matched the older Klouts with stats -- your amps may be different.

This way, you'll renew the sound and also have new music to listen to!
Later, if the digital f-end is still a question-mark (assuming you're happy w/ the LP12 set-up), hit the market... Linn universal, Lindemann, AA, Accuphase, etc, will be beckoning you.