I'm putting to rest worrying about sibilance

I just ran a test on three different turntables I own. I played various recordings, each of which exhibit sibilance to some degree, mostly female vocalists. The three tables are pro-ject the classic with the hana el, music hall mmf7 with factory mounted eroica h, and my brand new thorens td 240-2 with the ortofon om10 also factory installed. My dilemma began with constant worrying about the first table (the pro-ject) as I thought I was hearing a bit of sibilance only on certain records. So I played the very same records, mostly used from thrifts etc, on all three tables and adjusting volume or gain for each. Well, I found that all three table and cartridge combinations exhibit the sibilance in the same parts of songs on each recording. My findings are that what I perceive as higher sibilance on the hana can be contributed to its (imo) better high frequency response. In other words, the other tables and cartridges had the sibilance, but to a lesser prominence, but it WAS there. So my conclusion is that it Is just inherent in the lp medium to some degree, and more so with used records. I have farted around enough with the hana el and I am no longer going to fret over it. I would have a hard time believing that all three tables and cartridges are that badly aligned etc to all cause some sibilance here and there. All three were checked and seem to be dead on. The only table I personally installed cartridge on was the pro- ject (hana el) also, three preamps were tried during testing, my marantz pm14s1 built in, a musical fidelity lx lps, and a pro-ject tube box ds2. Lastly the hana el was adjusted when installed to align with the cartridge body and not the cantilever (just easier imo) using a proper protractor, and the vta was adjusted so that the hana is a bit ass down, as I think the hana sounds right like that. So there is my conclusion. Iā€™ve been reading forum after forum about the sibilance issue somehave, but I think I feel better after doing what I did as described above, and refuse to drive my self nuts any longer!šŸ˜
Just to add, the listening was first performed on the other 2 tables, the mmf7 and thorens, again both have factory installed cartridges, also checked by me. In doing so I ruled out the hana inscribing the record grooves with the sibilance in the event its mis aligned, which it is not....

Showing 3 responses by arrowheadrss

Your tables and cartridges are good solid entry level products, that is not to say there are the equivalent of a 50 grand analog rig but they are quite capable of reproducing quality sound. I have been setting up TT's for over 4 decades and worked on tables from 100 dollars to 100 grand and I can assure you, you can have good sound on a budgetĀ provided everything is set upĀ correctly. In your case I would suggest 2 thingsĀ 
(1) Get a record cleaner if you don't already have one.
(2) I always suggest to clients if they can afford it, to purchase a phono preamp that has adjustments for capacitance loading, resistance loading and gain level.
I have found throughout the years some clients have preferred a different loading option than what specified by the manufacture, an adjustable phono preamp makes that option available to the user.Ā 
Read slimpikins5 post on 5/24 as an example of how changing loading can make a difference.
In your post on 5/20 you stated that 20% to 25% ("1 out of every 4 or 5") of your records exhibit some sort of sibilance, that is unacceptable in terms of what is normal for sibilance in any given record collection. The general consensus among my customers who own large record collections (5,000 or more) is that 1% to 5% of records with sibilance issues is about normal. After every cartridge setup I play a test record to verify all my parameters are set correctly. The test record is an important tool in cartridge setup without one you can never be certain every parameter is correct.If you do not have a test record already I would suggest getting one, especially with 3 TT's in your stable.
I would also suggest taking some of your problem LP's to other peoples systems to see if the sibilance problem still exists in there systems.
Your problem is that you are trying to evaluate equipment that has not been properly broken in yet - most cartridges normally take 100 of break in time, some take more. Phone preamps are about the same, I just finished breaking in a phono preamp that took 300 hours before it finally settled in. One of the ares where the phono preamp sounded really bad in the first hundred hours of break in was- you guessed it- in the sibilance area. You only have one cartridge that is broke in and the others are brand new, I would suggest you not even attempt to access any ares (good or bad) of your system or LP's till ALL of you system is broken in.
A test record does more than check your turntable set up, it can help you identify possible problems in other parts of your system and also help you understand what limitations your tonearm and table may have, it is a cheap easy way to run a diagnostic on your system.
Ā I have set up, upgraded, and repaired dozens of the same TT's you have and some with the same cartridges you have on yours, I am fairly familiar with your turntables inside and out and how they sound.