I'm Not Flexible

I am looking for suggestions for a great power cable under $400 for a CD player that is very flexible. Garden hoses need not apply. What do you think?

Showing 1 response by rcrump

Nathanu, TG hasn't been around long enough for a website as just our 21st year in business :-) I have dealers who do all of that.......Best deal is to get yourself a Gen II HSR-I or HSR-A used and have it rebuilt into a 688 cord which is very close to the SLVR cord and might even be preferable to the SLVR in some systems.....The update will be $50 to $100 depending upon which cord you find used....Most folks just have the seller send the cords here.....email me for details if you decide to go this route....

Bob Crump
TG Audio/CTC Builders