I'm New To Vinyl - Which Turntable Should I Buy?

My system consists of a pair of Krell 450 Mcx mono amps, Krell HTS 7.1 pre-pro, Piega P10 loudspeakers with MIT cableing and Mark Levinson No.39 cdp. The room is a large 20'x20' family room with 2 story ceiling. My music preference is jazz, accoustic, classical and vocals.

I want to get into vinyl and get a used turntable to try this end of the hobby. I'm not sure if the $2000 range can get me started with something decent including a tone arm and cartridge.

I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thank you.

Showing 4 responses by george3

The tentative $2K budget I established is for 'used' gear and does not include phono stage or cleaning items. The budget is certainly not cast in stone and can be adjusted either way.

I realize a significant investment will be needed for albums should I pursue this end of the hobby seriously. If the table/arm/cart are upgradeable, or not, is not that important to me at this beginning stage, since I will likely sell the gear to upgrade if I continue in this direction.

Unfortunately, I'm not in an area that has high end analog shops, or know of anyone I could borrow a 'set-up' to taste this end of the hobby. But, please, all your comments are excellent and I would like to hear more. Thanks!
I am somewhat unfamiliar with the analog terminology; but I assume that "cart" means cartridge?

Regarding stands and isolation... Is a wall stand the preferred method, or are floor stands better? Thanks.
Good advice and recommendations, Guys, thanks.
In addition to my Krell HTS 7.1 preamp/processor, I believe I will need a "phono pre-amp" or "phono stage" in my system? Will this be connected to my existing pre-pro in a pass-thru mode?
Thanks for clarifying that for me. In your post, you said MC cartridges need more amplification... do you mean in the preamp stage, or in the final amplifier?