I'm looking for thoughts on the Tyler Acoustics...

Linbrook System II's. I currently own Soliloquy 6.2's and I am looking for a speaker with a more extended top end and some extra punch in the bottom registers. My current equipment is a Sonic Frontiers Power II SE, Sonic Frontiers Line 1 SE and a Krell SACD Standard. I listen to just about everything with an emphasis on Jazz, blues and Classic rock. For those of you who have heard these speakers, how would you describe their sound? I am looking for a little more detail then what my current speakers are offering. Thanks for any help.

Showing 2 responses by plinko

Just chiming in: I bought my Taylo Refs used so I suppose they were broken in but one thing I notice is that they really don't sound good the first half hour/45 minutes with my tube amp. Then, things open up and they sound brilliant. Soundstaging is really good. I didn't notice this with my previous speakers. Everytime I play music, I think I made a mistake during listening for the 1st half hour or so.
Exactly Gsselling. I think I'm finally hearing more of my tubes warming up, which, is a compliment to the speakers.