I’m in trouble

I just sold my classD power amp that produced 140 and 300 watts at 8 and 4 ohms, respectively.
I have speakers that are :
4 ohms producing 92dBSPL and 6 ohms producing 87dBSPLBat 2.83 v input!

I listen at low levels in a 12’x14’ cave to jazz and chamber music

No tube gear ; I live in So Florida!
integrated amp would be great!

Prime use- mask my tinnitus!


Showing 1 response by jomonhifi

Hey Larry…! I also live in Miami - Coral Gables - Keep in mind a classA/B amp is going to generate some heat…. My listening room is on the small side and between the integrated amp and the three very large hard drives, it gets hot in there…! Have you ever visited John at www.Audiosalon.net…?  He’s got some cool hear in there and is super knowledgeable… 

I have a Gryphon Diablo 300 - It runs pretty hot…!

good luck and enjoy…!