I'm in a preamp pickle: ARC Ref 1 VS CJ 17LS

I have my preamp choice nailed down to an Audio Research Reference 1 and a Conrad Johnson Premier 17 LS. I would appreciate some opinions about this choice that may help me decide. Additionally, the Audio Research is about $700 more. Both are used.
My system:
Thiel 3.6
Clearaudio Performance SE with Maestro
Audio Research PH5
Classe CA-2200
Current pre is a Cary slp 308
Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by jafant

Hello Bill-

nice system you have there, Thiel speakers are my reference as well -models CS 2.4 or CS 2.7- I also like CJ electronics. Until I can demo an ART3, my CJ reference would be the ACT2 Series2 model.

Regarding ARC pre-amps, the last 2 years I have spent much time w/ the REF3, REF5 and REF5SE. While I have not auditioned the REF1 model, I can suggest the REF3.
I can very strongly suggest the REF5 SE, I know that it is more money, this is a long-term keeper and money well spent, IMO. Keep me posted, share your thoughts and Happy Listening!