I'm here for the enthusiasts, not the snobbery

Couple of threads have shown up lately. "Should you be an audiophile if you..." either have a certain type of gear, have a certain amount of money, or don’t make your own.

I personally reject all of that. I’m here for the enthusiasts, and those who suffer. That is, people who are enthusiastic about listening to music via electronics and those who are suffering with problems who need a little help. That’s how I try to build a community.

Also want to point out, again, that this hobby was built by hobbyists and tinkerers. The range included backyard self-electrocuting iconoclasts to scientists in acoustics and electrical engineering. I’m happy to welcome them all.

Laslty, I want to say something about the Porsche metaphor:

1 - All Porsches are ugly. This is an indisputable fact no one wants to talk about and means all debate needs to stop right there.

2 - Any motorcycle is more fun and exciting than any car.

Thank you for reading this and I’m glad I had a chance to nip these conversations in the bud. << evil troll laugh >>

Showing 2 responses by roberttdid


I have to agree with Almarg, well not on the Macan, but on the Cayman/718. If you want to say all 911's are ugly, I can definitely agree with you.

I gave up the motorcycle shortly after my first was born, trading that in several years later for the relative "safety" of amateur car racing even a bit of open-wheel, but was too expensive, and required a time commitment beyond what I was willing. Eventually gave that up to.

Then a few years ago, my friend got me hooked on high performance go-karts, and quickly had a 125cc shifter cart, and then a 250cc shifter cart. The 250cc was an impulse buy of someone who wanted to exit the sport. It is the most intense thing I have ever been behind the wheel of, and it is not even close. Sure any super-bike will out accelerate it, but that is the only place they could even come close to keeping up.

In terms of pure driving, I don't think any 911 touches the 718 GT4. The others are faster, but in my limited driving experience, the GT4 is far more fun. If you are just interested in straight line, there are certainly cheaper ways than a GT3. In pretty most most pavement conditions (and drivers), our baby Tesla is going to match a GT3 till well past legal speeds. Now that I am on a track somewhat regularly again, I have lost most of the desire for something fast on the road ... 99.99% of the time which you can't take advantage of anyway. A tossable convertible is in the future plans though.