I'm here for the enthusiasts, not the snobbery

Couple of threads have shown up lately. "Should you be an audiophile if you..." either have a certain type of gear, have a certain amount of money, or don’t make your own.

I personally reject all of that. I’m here for the enthusiasts, and those who suffer. That is, people who are enthusiastic about listening to music via electronics and those who are suffering with problems who need a little help. That’s how I try to build a community.

Also want to point out, again, that this hobby was built by hobbyists and tinkerers. The range included backyard self-electrocuting iconoclasts to scientists in acoustics and electrical engineering. I’m happy to welcome them all.

Laslty, I want to say something about the Porsche metaphor:

1 - All Porsches are ugly. This is an indisputable fact no one wants to talk about and means all debate needs to stop right there.

2 - Any motorcycle is more fun and exciting than any car.

Thank you for reading this and I’m glad I had a chance to nip these conversations in the bud. << evil troll laugh >>

Showing 1 response by jrpnde

   Interesting.....Funny how just the mention of a word or two (motorcycles/cars) can take a post into an entirely different direction, not that it's a bad thing. Personal attacks and criticism are something left to other sites. The concept of this site as being one of a "community" is a good one. Everyone has their own personal opinions and whether they are constructive or not, that's up to the readers.
   Audio to some is a hobby. To others it's just something to enjoy. And, to others, it's both. Some think their audio setup is entirely adequate and don't like to hear what more may be out there. They probably shouldn't be involved in this site. But, most are curious. Always looking for ways to improve. That's my way of thinking.
   While many read about megabuck equipment and haven't the financial means to purchase such, they look for advice here. Here's an example...A friend, who loves performance from his cars, bought a new car a couple of years ago. He couldn't afford the next model up with more performance so he bought the one he could afford. After two years of performance equipment and tweaks his car had equal performance to the model he originally wanted. In the end he ended up with a car that was equal to the higher model. Just didn't have the means two years back. Many here approach audio in the same manner.
  Just one of my, perhaps, stupid opinions.