I'm here for the enthusiasts, not the snobbery

Couple of threads have shown up lately. "Should you be an audiophile if you..." either have a certain type of gear, have a certain amount of money, or don’t make your own.

I personally reject all of that. I’m here for the enthusiasts, and those who suffer. That is, people who are enthusiastic about listening to music via electronics and those who are suffering with problems who need a little help. That’s how I try to build a community.

Also want to point out, again, that this hobby was built by hobbyists and tinkerers. The range included backyard self-electrocuting iconoclasts to scientists in acoustics and electrical engineering. I’m happy to welcome them all.

Laslty, I want to say something about the Porsche metaphor:

1 - All Porsches are ugly. This is an indisputable fact no one wants to talk about and means all debate needs to stop right there.

2 - Any motorcycle is more fun and exciting than any car.

Thank you for reading this and I’m glad I had a chance to nip these conversations in the bud. << evil troll laugh >>

Showing 10 responses by geoffkait

Does that make you a racist? 😲  (It looks like I’m on another roll, I haven’t even had breakfast yet.)
I don’t know if it’s true or not but I heard a guy got strained going through a chicken wire fence on a ski mobile at high speed. They had to pick up the pieces.
The Germans and British both make attractive cars, the Italians make beautiful cars. 
I’ve been a motorcycle freak for over 50 years and still ride frequently (if it’s too hot I just drive an interesting car instead), and, of course, have crashed a few times (I wear lots of safety gear now...full face helmet, armored jackets designed for cold or hot, Bohn armored tights under my jeans)...I’ve also been surfing since I was a little kid and have nearly drowned in huge surf a couple of times, been saved by a seatbelt in serious car crashes more than once, went off a cliff snowboarding, and regret exactly none of any of it. I have also nearly blown myself across a room while trying to fix an amp (oops), so hey, don’t try any of these things because you can just stay inside and be safe...make some tea Kaitty...take a nap...wait...forget the tea, you could be hurt if it’s too hot...

>>>>>I hate to be judgmental but I suspect you probably should have started wearing helmets earlier in your career, you know, before all the crashes. 🤕
I’d be more concerned about putting some skin on the asphalt. I once came upon a turned over motorcycle on the highway and wondered where the rider was. As it turned out he was about 100 yards up ahead, being attended to.
Sadly astronaut Pete Conrad, test pilot, etc. died as a result of a fall off a motorcycle at slow speed. It can happen to anyone.
I had a Triumph 500 for a couple years, was happy to sell it. A death trap. Someone I know put his leg through the (spinning) spokes of a Honda 50 when a woman drove through a red light. You can’t stop what’s coming.