I'm going to start from scratch

I could use some suggestions on how to begin building my dream stereo. I do not have the $12,000-$15,000 it would take to buy all of the components that I would like right away so I am going to have to start piece by piece. Right now my budget is $5,000. I currently own a Marantz 2325 which I really like and would not sell. I would consider using it in my stereo system for the near term until I replace it with a pre amp and power amp. At that point I would use the Marantz for a second stereo in another part of the house or the garage. I am running a set of Klipsch KG 3s and a 1991 Denon single disc CD player. I am not sure of the model number, but it is a pretty nice CD player for the $30 I payed for it at the local pawn shop. My source requirements for my new system will be about 70 percent CD and 30 percent from my Ipod or Mac. I would like to add a turntable in the future, but I am not currently in to vinyl and I don't intend to be until my system is closer to where I would like it to be. The system would be going in a 12'X16' room. Musically I like to listen to Rock, Jazz, Blues, and Big Band. I have auditioned a fair amount of components locally. The only thing that I am really leaning towards right now is a set of B&W 803d's. I really like the way they sound. I would consider buying used equipment from a reputable source. So I guess my question is do I buy the B&W's and run them from my Marantz receiver which pushes 125 WPC with my Denon CD player? Or do I start by buying a Power amp and using my Marantz as a tuner/pre with my Denon CD player and Klipsch speakers? Or should I start by buying a nicer CD player and a reasonably priced used power amp. I guess I am open to all suggestions. I know the difference between a good and great sound system. I am willing to take the plunge to someday have a great system. I am just a little overwhelmed with all of the choices. If there are brands that I should check out I would be willing to travel a couple hours to audition them if there is not a dealer in my town.

Thank you for your input.
The room at the store that I listened to the speakers at was smaller than the room that I would be putting them in and they sounded great. I will be buying a new house within the next year or so. I anticipate that the speakers will end up in a larger room. If I were to start with a better CD player what would be a good price point to start at? I see that there are some good brand names for sale here on Audiogon for less than $1,000. Do you have any recommendations as far as brands and models to try?
Doesn't that 2325 have a built in phono section that's kind of nice? Are you too vested in digital to consider a phono setup? Vinyl is where the fun started for me.
A member just put a very nice Kenwood deck up for $300.00 that would be a good match for your system, I think.
I have heard that the phono section on the Marantz 2325 is supposed to be very nice. I do not know first hand though. I am really curious about trying some vinyl, but I really would like to focus on digital for the time being rather than start over with no music at all. I am excited to expand my stereo and can't wait to enjoy the music on a whole different level. I am a little overwhelmed with all of the choices and which direction I should go that will offer the most enjoyment now and still allow me to expand/upgrade my system later.
Buy the B&W's and an outboard DAC like the Wyred 4 Sound DAC 2. When you can afford or find the amp you like use the DAC as a preamp for the iPod and CD's.

May want to think about dedicated lines and power conditioning as well...Good luck!
I didn't know that you can use a DAC for a preamp. I am really new at this. How would that work for volume control and other things the preamp normally controls?