I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?

I suppose this is an open question to any of you fine people, but I'm exclusively analog myself and particularly curious to hear from those of you who listen to records.

What would you say is your normal listening volume? Perhaps measure it and post the db's?



Showing 1 response by firstonetallguy

Listening variables:

Senior citizen
Mild tinnitus
Huge room
15 ft. from speakers, Electrostats with subwoofer and an additional 15" subwoofer.  
More power than I need.
Radio Shack meter:     C Weighed, Response Slow, Analog 
Evening TV    70- 80 db
Stereo    70 - 85 db
Adjust the music to not have any peaks over 85, if I feel it is negatively affecting tinnitus.
Heavy wine or bourbon usage;         For a short time “Rock The Walls” until the wife complains, then back to 70 - 85.
The emotional feeling after 1 to 2 hours of Music:    Life is wonderful, all is right in the world.